How good does it feel doing the things you're good at?
Have you ever noticed that when kids are good at something, they really enjoy doing it? They become completely engaged, are positive, more able to try new things, are more resilient and can problem solve more easily.
It’s no surprise that we do the same. When we are involved in the things that are our strengths, we are engaged and tend to enter the ‘flow’ zone. It’s absolutely not rocket science, that if we are achieving, we feel great about it, we are engaged, and we want to do more of it.
Engaging students in their learning is something that schools are constantly aiming to capture. Imagine if we could encourage our students to engage in learning through highlighting and accessing their strengths?
With this knowledge, we can integrate a strengths-based approach to learning environments using things like the VIA survey, optimism, gratitude activities and activities to build strength-spotting in teachers. VIA is the Values in Action survey which is a free online survey. There are surveys for adults, adolescents and children. Check it out and do it for yourself first before considering using it with your kids or the students in your classroom. Use this link to go directly to the VIA site.
We know through comprehensive research that children and adults flourish when using their strengths. In the learning environment, we can achieve this by taking a whole school approach in embedding strengths-based elements at every level. Continue reading my blogs to learn more about the how, the why and the who.