My Newsletters focus on growth coaching, positive education, strength-based parenting, wellbeing, courses and include some quick tips to help you action those wellbeing interventions immediately and regularly! My goal is to spread a ripple of positivity and happiness across our world! - Jo
Welcome to our June 2022 Newsletter
In Growth Coaching, we look at Relationships and how our communication style impacts on others, as well an exciting new adventure! Coaching Circles! They are the most popular way to getting the permanent change you are looking for! In PosAbilties. Strong Minds: Strong Futures we look at the ASD Social Club and the services we offer, plus an opportunity to have your say in the NDIS survey. In Strength-Based Parenting this month, we explore how teaching kids how to think positively improves academic performance.
Welcome to our May 2022 Newsletter
In Growth Coaching, we look at Engagement, the impact it has on our wellbeing and how we can get some more! In PosAbilties. Strong Minds: Strong Futures we look at what life would look like if we ALL had access, check out what the Social Club has been up to, we welcome Josh to our PosAbilities family and check out a new program for parents. In Strength-Based Parenting this month, we explore the notion of our negativity defaults. Why do we immediately focus on the negative with our kids?
Welcome to our March 2022 Newsletter
In Growth Coaching, we look at Positive Emotions and how we can get some more! In PosAbilities. Strong Minds: Strong Futures we access some amazing resources and delve into the power of connection. In Strength-Based Parenting this month, we continue to explore how educators can gain more engagement and accomplishment through strength-based learning.
Welcome to our February 2022 Newsletter
In Growth Coaching this month, we look at David Cooperiders Appreciative Inquiry. A wonderful tool to explore, discover and design your future! In PosAbilties. Strong Minds: Strong Futures we look at our latest programs, delve into supporting parents and bust some myths about Autism! In Strength-Based Parenting this month, we look at how schools can adopt a strengths based approach to learning. All this and so much more
A-ha! Moments from this month.
I've had a few A-ha! moments this month and I can't wait to share them with you, so I'm doing so now, and not waiting to the end of the month Newsletter! So much goodness to share! All these 'moments' have come from my amazing clients, who are smashing out their goals and achieving great things! SO proud!
Welcome to our January 2022 Newsletter
Happy New Year!I trust you all had a wonderful festive season filled with love and kindness, shared with loved ones plus managed to remain safe and healthy. We are all thinking about our new year and what it may hold for us. We are planning, planning to plan or evaluating our plan for a successful, prosperous, safe and happy 2022. What will be in your 2022 package this year?
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
2021 is nearly done! It's been a challenging year but not without its silver linings. If you stop and think about it, there is much we have gained from our 'new normal'! We now take more care in looking after ourselves because we have had to during lockdowns and working in challenging situations of masks, QR codes and physical distancing…
It's nearly Christmas! Where did that go? And what a crazy year it was...
In Growth Coaching this month, we focus on what it means to be present and how we can get more of it. We also reacquaint ourselves with Action for Happiness, an amazing organisation that gives us daily tips to a happier life. In PosAbilties. Strong Minds: Strong Futures we look at our first ASD Parent Coffee Club and talk about our plans to support our families in the Illawarra. We also share upcoming programs including 10 Steps to Happiness and ASD Social Club for 17-24 year olds. In Strength-Based Parenting this month, we share some tips for highlighting your kids strengths to encourage their use at times of challenge.
We live in interesting and challenging times.
In Growth Coaching this month, we celebrate the life of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and revisit his theory of 'flow'. We also touch on the GROWTH coaching model and what it stands for. In PosAbilties. Strong Minds: Strong Futures we have been collecting and sharing our parents tips for choosing the right school for children with autism. Here we choose the top five to share with you. In Strength-Based Parenting this month, we highlight the wonderful Dr Lea Waters and her work in the 'Strength Switch'. A must read!
Positive emotions, what they are and how to find them
Here we are in Covid world! At the moment we have states and territories all fighting the Delta strain with a plethora of strategies suggested by Health advice and all in the name of community safety. It's such a daily struggle! Lockdowns. Masks. Social Distancing. Vaccines. Home schooling. It takes its toll on all of us, for different reasons, different ways and at different times. There is fear, hesitancy, anger, suspicion, complacency, accusations and misinformation…
Another month in lockdown here in NSW and still many challenges right around our country!
In Growth Coaching this month, we look at the Happiness Pie. This research shows us where we get our happiness from and you might be surprised that it doesn't necessarily come from your forever happy Auntie Mavis! Positivity is a huge thing when working with people with autism. In PosAbilties. Strong Minds: Strong Futures this month we explore Rosie King, who teaches us about the gift that autism is for our community. Also "30 things parents of kids with autism really want you to know". An awesome article. In Strength-Based Parenting this month, we look at the VIA Character Strengths process for SBP. What do we mean by 'Make the Good'?
Growth Coaching, PosAbilities & Strength-Based Parenting
In this Newsletter we, very proudly, introduce PosAbilities. Strong Minds : Strong Futures. Our new project developed to bring Positive Psychology to young people on the spectrum, building capacity through strengths in order to provide the skills for their positive futures! We are super proud to be an NDIS provider to support young people on the spectrum and their families and can't wait to share our services with you.
Social & Emotional Wellbeing for our Educators
This Newsletter is devoted to all the educators, in pre-schools, primary, secondary or tertiary, private or public organisations, to provide meaningful and long lasting improvement for their social and emotional wellbeing. Without that our educators continue to struggle and the impact on our students, and therefore our education system, is monumental!
Challenges of parenting in 2020
2020 has seriously been a tough year. Bushfires, drought, floods and then Covid. Everyone has been affected, and some more than others. With all these challenges, parenting has become just that little bit more difficult. Home schooling. Explaining what's going on. Managing their fears, and yours! Dealing with lockdowns and managing relationships. Your challenges with your work, family and finances, on top of all these other issues. How do you do it? Well you do it because you have no choice. Parenting is such an important role and for most people, it comes before all else. So how do you manage? Here are some tips to help you along the way.
Strength-Based Parenting
This edition is totally devoted to Strength-based Parenting, what it is and how it is going to provide you with happy, resilient and successful kids, plus a calm and relaxed parenting life! Jump in!
Unlock your Parenting Superpowers
Through Strength-Based Parenting & Kids, I have helped many parents struggling to navigate the stormy waters of parenting. In my free module, 'Strength-Based Parenting 101', I will provide you with a formula that offers an easy guide to focussing on your child's strengths and using those strengths to overcome their challenges and shortcomings. With strength-based parenting, not only do your kids become happier and more successful, but as a parent, it makes your parenting more successful, enjoyable and very rewarding! And who doesn't want that?
A new year, a new beginning, a new you!
Happy New Year! Welcome to 2020 and may it be a massive one for you in whatever pursuit you choose that makes you happy. In this issue: New Years resolutions. Useful or a waste of time? In this issue we look at the why and the how of embedding new habits into our everyday. The bushfires in Australia have been incredible, are on everyone's thoughts and impact us all in some way. We look at how we can support our children to deal with such devastation of land and animal, that we see in our living rooms and on social media, every day. We look at the positive:negative ratio, why it matters and what we can do about it. And finally, we celebrate the 'Exploring what Matters' course that has come out of the Action for Happiness group. This fantastic course has recently won notoriety with the researchers for the success it has shown and yes, you can access it as it will be in Wollongong this year! We also provide you with a couple of good tips for you to consider. Enjoy!
Practical applications & the power of positivity
In Newsletter #4 we are focussing on some practical applications of positive psychology. We look at the growing popularity of Strength-based parenting, my own challenging journey dealing with negative emotions, what flourishing means for schools and a successful client story on positive leadership. Plus as always, our Quick Tips! Enjoy!
What Positive Leadership & Positive Education can do for academic achievement!
This month we look at Prof Martin Seligman's latest conversations on the importance of teaching students about positive psychology and how improving student wellbeing, improves academic performance. See the scientific research! We look at Positive Leadership, how and why it is so powerful in the workplace. Check out the information on the research showing us what actually makes us happy and how the right interventions can help us become happier. I also talk about specific ways you can start your day in a mindful way. Finally, a couple of awesome tips you can use right now, to get you more focussed on your happiness! Enjoy!
Generating a movement of resilient and happy kids!
This newsletter includes information about the popular and successful Strength Profile and includes a unique opportunity to get yours free! We also talk about positive education, the why's and the how's. Positive parenting is becoming more and more popular and this newsletter looks at how Strength-based Parenting is generating a movement of resilient and happy kids! Finally, check out a couple of Growth Coaching tools to get you motivated and achieving those goals you have always wanted to kick! Quick tips this month are priceless gold! Enjoy!