The Keys to Happiness
The Action for Happiness organisation is a charity based in the UK and run across 19 countries. They aim to increase the happiness in the world by bringing together like-minded people from all walks of life, supporting them to take practical action to build a happier and more caring society. Their “Exploring what matters” course draws on the latest scientific research, focussing on individual mental wellbeing and provides a great deal of knowledge, support and resources to enable participants to develop a happier life.
Watch the recent news story about the latest research the course has highlighted:
‘ Exploring What Matters’ gives you the chance to meet friendly, like-minded people and find simple ways to make yourself and others happier.
This 8-week course is based on science and helps you:
· Meet with like-minded people to explore what really matters in life and find new ways of looking at things.
· Learn from the experts through videos, mindfulness exercises and a handbook full of resources to help you break big ideas into manageable chunks.
· Take small actions each week by taking time to reflect on how to create happiness for yourself and those around you.
People find the course really enjoyable and often refer to what they learn as life-changing.
The course is run over 8 sessions, which take place weekly and last for 2 hours, and is open to anyone interested in exploring how to create happiness for themselves or others.
Everyone who joins the course makes a donation of their choice to be there, so the course is available to anyone, no matter their financial circumstances.
Participants Feedback
· "The course has really had a profoundly positive impact on my life"
· "It has been so incredible to be surrounded by such interesting people who share my passion for making the world happier"
· "It has become easier to make changes to the way I think and the things I do. I feel very encouraged to have met such interesting, kind people"
· "It just gets better and there's a shift from caring for oneself to caring for others"
I am planning to run this course this year in Wollongong. If you are interested, please gt in touch with me via the button at the bottom of the Newsletter page.